The People Said No . com

No Votes Do Count

What does that mean?

ELECTORATE - This means full electorate, not just those that voted.

Any government can only rule with the consent of the governed. Ideally, this means the consent of every individual, but government officials often argue that it is the consent of the majority of the electorate that matters, despite there being zero evidence to prove this and many court cases thrown out through no consent of the individual.

But let's consider their argument of majority consent.

Before 2001 in the UK, all governments had the majority consent of the electorate. It was a slim majority, but it existed.

However, since 2001, no single government has achieved a majority share of the electorate's vote, Theresa May came close having missed it by only 1.6%.

This means no government can enforce conformity because a significant portion of the population does not vote. These "no votes" count just as much as any vote. Non-voters are part of the electorate and have an equal say. Since there is no "none of the above" option on the ballot, their only choice is to abstain from voting.

The last government to achieve a majority over the entire electorate was Tony Blair's in 1997. By his second term in 2001, he lost that majority by almost 17%, as only 59% of the electorate turned out to vote. This means that 41% of the electorate did not give their consent to being governed by abstaining from voting, making it impossible for any government to have an overriding majority.

This situation has remained unchanged since then.

I am often told that we give our consent by placing an x on a secret piece of paper with no name, well these people did not and they have the majority. I was also told recently that we do that by registering on the electoral register. Well I looked at their terms and conditions and nowhere does it state that by signing this you agree to adhere to whatever the majority of the voters decide. I ask people to provide evidence of signing your life away by placing an x on paper or that registering to vote means that you have to agree with what the majority say unless they say no, and if you have such evidence please email it to me at

Currently, we find ourselves in a similar situation. Keir Starmer has secured the vote of only 20% of the full electorate, while 40% of eligible voters abstained. Therefore, the "no votes" win. 40% is significantly greater than 20%.

Labour does not have a ruling majority, and thus consent is required from the general public. The data supporting this is widely available, but I will include it below. If you are challenging any council or government action, use the argument that there is no consent. Let them know that the "no votes" won every single seat, and therefore, they cannot impose their rules on you.

As you can see from the table below, there are almost twice as many people who voted "no consent" as those who voted for Labour. These people's voices are not being heard, and they have every right to be.

Year Total Electorate Winning Votes Winning Party Winning Percentage No Consent Percentage Who has control
2024 47,600,000 9,700,000 Labour 20.38% 39.70% The People
2019 47,074,848 13,966,454 Conservative 29.67% 32.70% The People
2017 46,148,035 13,636,690 Conservative 29.55% 31.20% The People
2015 44,722,004 11,299,600 Conservative 25.27% 33.80% The People
2010 45,420,808 10,703,654 Conservative 23.57% 34.90% The People
2005 44,180,243 9,552,436 Labour 21.62% 38.60% The People
2001 44,545,654 10,724,953 Labour 24.08% 40.60% The People
1997 44,203,604 13,518,167 Labour 30.58% 28.60% Government
1992 43,724,886 14,093,007 Conservative 32.23% 22.30% Government
1987 43,666,375 13,760,583 Conservative 31.51% 24.70% Government
1983 42,703,516 13,012,316 Conservative 30.47% 27.30% Government
1979 41,572,705 13,697,923 Conservative 32.95% 24.00% Government
You now have all the tools you need to fight anything from any government as if they do not have majority consent they cannot enforce anything.